The ship didn't get to Roatan until about 11am, so it was a bit of a lazy morning, most of it spent watching the approaching, idyllic looking, coastline. We were not on tour, so we were looking for a beach near to the port, and managed to spot a couple of promising stretches of sand. The water looked glorious, such an inviting turquoise blue, and I could see, even from the top deck, that it was teeming with gorgeous coloured fish. I couldn't wait to get my swimming costume on an go snorkelling.
Just as the ship finished docking, we got a map of the island from reception, and headed to the cabin to get changed. This is where we bumped into Karin, the Shorex manager, who explained she'd dropped the paperwork off for a tour, could we pretty please cover. Not a problem we thought, and went to check out what she was asking us to do.
Well, we were on the "Carambola Gardens and & West End" tour which included a "hike to the top of Carambola Mountain". So we thought we were going to get a walk around the gardens, and a bit of a walk up a hill perhaps, with a bit of free time at West End which is a little seaside village with a beach, and we weren't expecting much. We thought we'd have a quick look around the little town of Coxon Hole first.
Well, we got a lot more than we bargained for. First we were bundled into little 14 seater coaches. When we got to Carambola Gardens, we were introduced to a young lad who was to be our guide there. Peter's group and mine merged to become one, so we both ended up at the back of a larger group, and then we were taken on a short walk around a few paths where the guide talked about different trees.
and we got to see a Monkey Lala Lizard.
Then, before we knew or even suspected, we were suddenly on the hike, We were walking single file on a narrow path, and it was steep.
For Peter and I, it was awesome. We were in the middle of a tropical forest, surrounded by palms and strange new plants and flowers. The sounds of the forest were completely different to what we were used to in England, and under our feet, not leaves, but palm fronds and nuts. Just wonderful.
It was hard work, and definitely took nearly all of us by surprise. After an hour of good uphill slogging, we reached the summit and the glorious view we'd been promised.
Then we had to make our back on an equally steep downward path. That didn't take quite so long of course, and at the bottom, we had the delight of being entertained by a couple of hummingbirds whilst everyone enjoyed a quick breather and some fresh fruit. (And nope, no pictures again, because of course they never stayed anywhere long enough for us to take one).
Back on the bus, and then to the beach which was very small, and very lovely. Many passengers went for a swim, Peter and I ended up in a bar. (Is that a surprise?)
We also buying a t shirt that cost far too much, but it did say Roatan, Honduras on it - so that's all right then.
An hour later, it was all aboard the buses and back to ship. Definitely a tour Peter and I would do again. We loved it. But sadly we had to say goodbye to Honduras.
But tomorrow we are on tour again. We'll be in Belize, and I've even bought a ticket for this one - "Limanai and the the New River Safari", as you can guess I'm really looking forward to it.
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