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Saturday 23 March 2024

23 March 24 - Northern Lights..... Wow Oh Wow!

We left Bergen early this morning, and as soon as we left the shelter of the coastal islands along our route, we felt the force of the bad weather. This was right in the middle of Peter's morning class, and he lost several of the class members as one by one they succumbed to nausea. I've been all right amazingly. Must be all that practice crossing the Bay of Biscay on little ships.

A normal day all in all. We went to dinner, keeping an eye on the aurora apps on our phones which were telling us that a sighting was possible....

And about 9 o'clock, it all started to happen. The captain made an announcement, we grabbed coats and were out on the back deck within minutes. We worked out the top decks might give us a better view and ended up stood in freezing wind watching the sky in awe.

The first two pictures were taken by Peter on his phone, and the next three from my camera. I was trying to get the settings right on the cameras, but a moving ship, strong winds and freezing fingers don't help when it comes to holding a camera still.

The display went on for ages, it came and went, and we finally we stopped watching after 11ish.

Another sea tomorrow, and I've been told the aurora forecast for tomorrow is even better than today........ Watch this space!

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