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Wednesday 27 March 2024

27 Mar 24 - Alta Day Two

We've never been on cruise where they've spent two nights in Alta before, but we are very happy with it. We can see a little hill from the ship, and I'd spotted the path up it on Maps.Me. Yesterday, as we walked back from town, we could see where the path started from.

So today we are on are way up. Unfortunately, the only thing we forgot to pack this trip is something we really could have used a couple of times on the cruise..... Our spikes! We have a couple of different sets each, and they are perfect for all this ice and snow..... when you have them with you!

No matter, our walking boots have good soles, so we borrowed a couple of walking sticks from Saga, (available to all passengers, along with umbrellas), and off we went.

It was fantastic! It was a little hairy in a couple of places as the path was steep and the compacted snow a little slippy, and we would have probably ventured a little further if we had spikes on our boots, but all in all we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Definitely something we would do again if we come this way.

The ship left Alta about 6pm, and we watched the beautiful landscape change colours as dusk turned to night.

And if that wasn't enough, once again at about 11pm there was an announcement from the Captain that the lights could be seen over the ship. More Wows! And I'm still trying to get the photography right.

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