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Monday 25 March 2024

25 Mar 24 - Getting to Alta

Sunday 24th Quite uneventful really. We watched a load of fulmars at the back of the ship (I'm always trying to identify birds), and despite excellent indications from our Aurora apps, no lights in the sky Sunday night - too cloudy I think.

25th We managed to see a couple of whale blows whilst eating breakfast, and later on, I was watching a group of birds through the binoculars and aw an Orca come out of the water behind them. I think it was an Orca, it was so quick, but I can't think of anything black and white like that, and it had a big fin. I was really chuffed.

It's another Sea Day, with us due to arrive at Alta at 5pm. We had to dip into one the fjords to collect the pilot from Tromso. The scenery was spectacular.

And approaching Alta.........

We arrived at our most Northerly port stop in good time. It's cold! I think it was around -12C overnight. Peter and I went on the "Search for the Northern Lights" tour. We had so on many layers we looked like Michelin men and could hardly move. About an hour's bus ride out to a location where the local expert thought we would be most likely to see the lights. It would be difficult to beat what we saw on the ship two nights ago, and on this particular occasion it was almost a complete bust, despite a really good forecast. There were a few glimmers, which the tour guides pointed out to us excitedly, but they didn't know what we'd seen a couple of nights ago.

The sky was clear, the moon was soooo bright and there were nearby snow-covered hills. Sami type lavvu, (tents similar to tepees), had been set up for us, with log burning fires inside to warm up with. Hot chocolate and loo facilities laid on. It wasn't a bad place to spend an hour. We quite enjoyed it just for the experience.

Pics from Peter's phone........

We got back to our cabins about 1pm. The ship is in Alta for a couple of days, so we'll be checking out the town tomorrow.

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